Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Excerpt - Discovering the Joy Within - Allyson M. Deese

Discovering the Joy Within excerpt – Allyson M. Deese

Jordyn sat down on the sofa in despair. Her heart felt heavy and tears streamed down her face. He still didn’t know that she was carrying his child. Jordyn was pregnant with their baby. Jordyn sighed heavily. She did not know whether to feel hurt or angry. She just knew the tears wouldn’t stop as her old familiar friend, Pain, tugged at her heart.
When Eric left, He assumed that Jordyn would still take care of his “precious” car. Wrong! As soon as Jordyn mustered up the strength, she went outside around midnight with a baseball bat, and wore his car out.
Once she busted every window, and ripped up the already deteriorating cloth top, she then took her house keys and wrote the inconsiderate dog a note: “I hate you Eric. Love, Jordyn”. She knew that the damage that she did to his car would never compare to the pain and hurt that he had caused her. But, it made her feel a little better, temporarily.
The week that followed Eric’s leaving was the most traumatic thing that Jordyn had experienced since the twins passed. The stress and pain of the only man she had ever really loved, other than her father, rejecting her, especially for an older, ugly woman was traumatic. It was more than her heart and her baby could handle. At only seven and a half weeks into her pregnancy Jordyn had a severe miscarriage. With the death of her unborn baby, along with the loss of her step-children, whom she loved as they were her very own, Jordyn fell deeper into depression than she ever had before. Jordyn suffered silently. Only she knew of her miscarriage. No one else knew that she had once again lost a part of her own being. There was no funeral this time. This time there was just a medial procedure that she endured on her own.
After it was over and nothing of her pregnancy remained, other than her memories, Jordyn went home to an empty house that matched the empty life that had become hers once again. And now she didn’t even have her job. She had no idea how she would pay her bills from month to month.
© www.allysonmdeese.webs.com

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year family! How are ya? I'm blessed!

Fella's are you looking for a nice, honest and intelligent woman to get to know? I have a few friends that possess many of the qualities that I do.

Ladies are you looking for a nice, HONEST, and intelligent man to get to know?

2011 is the year of making things happen! So make it do what it do, I know that me and my man will be.

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ask Cookie: What do the lonely do at Christmas or any other t...

Ask Cookie: What do the lonely do at Christmas or any other t...: "Today's post isn't necessarily a Q & A segment, but, just some thoughts that I felt like sharing. I remember once upon a time when I as..."

What do the lonely do at Christmas or any other time?

Today's post isn't necessarily a Q & A segment, but, just some thoughts that I felt like sharing.

I remember once upon a time when I asked myself this question and didn't know the answer. The most painful part about the whole situation was that I was married, so it shouldn't have even been something that should have had to cross my mind but, it was what it was.

The answer isn't what I tried: seek someone outside of yourself & spouse/ significant other to fill that void. No not even fill the emotional void.

And you most certainly shouldn't try filling the void by being physical with someone (married or not!). When it is all said and done all you and that other person will have is the physical, and a relationship like that just doesn't work.

It isn't easy, but, there is a solution. Try taking that time to discover more about you. Establish, re-establish, or deepen your relationship with a higher power. My personal choice is Christ. Develop new interest. Once you have taken some time for you, if your spouse is willing, sit down and have a conversation. Be prepared to do what it takes to make your marriage work.

Working it out, however, isn't the solution for everyone. It absolutely will not work if both parties aren't willing to participate. In that situation, don't stress, don't try to hold on for dear life...LET IT AND him/her GO!!!

Does it hurt when it's over...of course it does, but, holding on to something that isn't meant to be always hurts worse.

During the holidays or any other time of year, reach out to a loved one, a family member or friend. Call, write, or go visit. Reconnect with those who love you unconditionally.

Donate your time or talents to those who are in need. One of my favorite things to do is to choose a child in need and try to fill their Christmas wish. The Salvation Army has a program called the Angel Tree. Another thing is find out about some of the elderly people who are in the nursing homes with no one to come see about them or even to stick their head in and say hello.

Go spend and evening or two talking with them. They'll often tell you how grateful they are that you came by or that you cared, but, in actuality YOU are the one who will be gaining so much. The wisdom that they share is priceless.

Find your own creative niche and make it work to the best of your ability.

There are ways around being lonely, but, until you find the answer that works for you, know that Cookie is always here to "listen" and I care.

Happy Holidays and God Bless,


Friday, December 10, 2010

She doesn't love him like I do.

Question: What do you do when you are in love with someone & was engaged to marry, but they’re baby mama wants to use the child to get him back. She don't want him, but she don't want nobody else to have him?

Answer: Honestly give him an ultimatum and ask him how important you are to him and tell him that YOU are unwilling to share him and that if he loves you, he wouldn’t want you to.